此文档创建于 2024/5/15 更新时间 2025/3/7

Site-33 by thautwarm

Posts: Programming/编程; Life/生活.

Software: NoMake and others.


GitHub Julia Discourse PureScript Discourse Zhihu LinkedIn

I'm a software engineer and a programming language enthusiast.

I earned my graduate degree in computer science from the University of Tsukuba, Japan. I was the member of the Programming Logic Group.

Academic Records:

Typed BNF has emerged as an essential technique for TyMLang, a MATLAB-compatible language that I lead the development of at TongYuan. This language seamlessly supports critical MATLAB open-source libraries, such as Delta-Sigma. Its usability significantly surpasses that of Octave, Scilab, and other MATLAB-like alternatives.


Programming Languages

  1. Python: Deep internal-level expertise
  2. Haskell/PureScript: Proficient
  3. OCaml: Proficient
  4. Julia: Member, expert, alternative backend implementer, and "macro wizard"
  5. C: Proficient, with specialization in memory management and Foreign Function Interface (FFI) integration
  6. C#: Proficient
  7. F#: Proficient
  8. Java: Industry-level familiarity
  9. TypeScript: Industry-level familiarity
  10. Dart: Proficient, with specialization in Flutter
  11. Idris: alternative backend implementer



I am a member of the Julia organization and have contributed to the ecosystem of Julia. The most notable packages I developed for Julia are:

I also developed these Julia-related packages for the TongYuan company:


I have developed extensive expertise in Python and contributed to its evolution. I participated in the development of PEP 622, which introduced pattern matching to Python, by helping core developers refine the proposal and suggesting key features. This syntax has landed in Python 3.10. Prior to the proposal, I developed Moshmosh to support pattern matching for Python.

Python implementations made/lead by me:

  • UnityPython: An efficient Python implementation in C#, running on every platform via Unity IL2CPP. The language itself is completed, and the standard library is under development.
  • YAPyPy: This project comes from a brainstorming during PyCon China 2018. YAPyPy is a Python 3.6 implementation in Python, including a full Python parser and a bytecode compiler. The project has been verified to support a wide range of libraries in Python 3.6, including NumPy and Scikit-learn.


I developed PureScript Python, the Python codegen target for [PureScript].



From 2017 to 2019, following the completion of my undergraduate courses as a sophomore, I worked as an intern at Microsoft. During my internship, I was part of the Microsoft Research Asia team and contributed to the Microsoft GraphEngine.


From 2022 to the beginning of 2025, I was a tech leader of the programming language team at TongYuan.

The most two notable commercial products I led to success are:

  • TyMLang: A MATLAB-compatible language; Comparing to the previous best alternative (i.e., Octave), TyMLang has significantly higher MATLAB compatibility and better performance (usually 5-10x faster than Octave). Numerous optimizations have been made to the language on memory model, runtime polymorphism, instruction sequence representation, and so on.

  • SyslabCC: The world's first practical Julia AOT (Ahead-of-Time) compiler. This compiler is capable of efficiently compiling the Julia Base along with key community packages such as DataStructures.jl, Unitful.jl, FFTW.jl, and others. It produces compact binaries (~1MB) for average scientific projects, bundled with all necessary artifacts. SyslabCC helps Julia directly run on Android, iOS and embedded platforms, see syslab-deploy for examples.

Besides TyMLang and SyslabCC, I have also contributed to many other products and open-source projects in TongYuan.