此文档创建于 2024/5/13 更新时间 2025/3/7
Platform-related utilities are provided in the NM.Platform
namespace. The following types are used when working with platforms:
import * as NM from 'https://github.com/thautwarm/nomake/raw/v0.1.12/mod.ts'
NM.Platform.current // e.g., { os: "linux", arch: "x64" }
NM.Platform.currentOS // e.g., "linux"
NM.Platform.currentArch // e.g., "x64"
NM.linesep() // e.g., "\n" or "\r\n", depending on the platform
NM.pathsep() // e.g., ":" or ";", depending on the platform
NM.linesep('linux') // "\n"
NM.pathsep('windows') // ";"
The following types are used when working with platforms:
export type OS =
| "linux"
| "windows"
| "macos"
| { unknownStr: string };
export type Arch =
| "x86"
| "x64"
| "arm"
| "arm64"
| { unknownStr: string };
export class Platform
os: OS;
arch: Arch;
// methods are omitted