此文档创建于 2024/5/13 更新时间 2025/3/7


NM.Path is a class that represents a file path. It provides a set of methods for working with files and directories. It is similar to the pathlib.Path class from Python's standard library.

The Path object may handle discrepancies between different operating systems.

You might also import ParsedPath from the Deno std library: https://deno.land/std@0.224.0/path/mod.ts.

Creating Path Objects

import * as NM from 'https://github.com/thautwarm/nomake/raw/v0.1.12/mod.ts'

// create a Path object
const p1 = new NM.Path("path/to/file.txt")

// get the current working directory
const cwd = NM.Path.cwd()

// get the home directory
const home = NM.Path.home()

// get the parent directory
const parent = p1.parent()

// join one or more other paths
const joined = p1.join("another", "path")

// get the absolute path
const absPath = p1.abs()

// change the extension of the file
const newExt = p1.withExt(".md")

Retriving Strings

/* const p1: NM.Path */

// get the file name
const fileName = p1.name

// get the file extension
const ext = p1.ext

// get the file name without the extension
const stem = p1.stem

// get a string that represents the posix path
const posixPath = p1.asPosix()

// get a string that represents the native path
// for the current platform
const nativePath = p1.asOsPath()

Non-IO Predicates

// check if the path is absolute

// check if the path is relative


Copy, Remove and Makedirs

// read the file or directory
await p1.rm({
    // onError: 'ignore' | ((error: Error) => void)
    onError: 'ignore',
    // maxRetries?: number, default to 0
    // retryDelay?: number, default to 100
    // recursive?: boolean, default to false

// create the directory
await p1.mkdir({
    // parents?: boolean, default to false
    parents: true,
    // onError: 'ignore' | 'existOk' | ((error: Error) => void)
    onError: 'ignore',
    // mode?: number,
    mode: 0o755

// copy the file or directory to the destination
const dest: string | Path = 'path/to/destination'
await p1.copyTo(dest)
// you copy only the contents to the destination,
// instead of the directory itself
await p1.copyTo(dest, { contentsOnly: true })

Read and Write

// readText with the specified encoding
const text: string = await p1.readText('utf-8')

// read the file as an array of bytes
const bytes: Uint8Array = await p1.readBytes()

// write text to the file with the specified encoding
await p1.writeText('Hello, World!', 'utf-8')

// write an array of bytes to the file
const bytesToWrite = new TextEncoder().encode('Hello, World!')
await p1.writeBytes(bytesToWrite)


// check if the path exists
await p1.exists()

// check if the path is a file
await p1.isFile()

// check if the path is a directory
await p1.isDirectory()


// get the file stats
const stats: fs.promises.Stats  = await p1.stat()