Tagless Final in F#

Tagless Final in F#

module Poly
#nowarn "62"
type repr = obj

let invoke<'r, 'f, 'a> (f: 'f) (x: 'a) =
    let m = typeof<'f>.GetMethod("Invoke")
    let m = if m.IsGenericMethodDefinition then
                    m.MakeGenericMethod([| x.GetType() |])
    in m.Invoke(f, [| x |]) :?> 'r

// signature
type 'repr Sym =
    abstract member zero : 'repr
    abstract member succ : 'repr -> 'repr

type inst(zero: repr, succ: repr -> repr) =
    interface repr Sym with
        member it.zero = zero
        member it.succ x = succ x

// It's not easy to erase the type in F#.
// this implementation works but many other
// equivalent will just fail, e.g., I tried
// to make a `type inst(sym: 'repr Sym) = interface repr Sym`,
// but some very confusing thing occurred and polymorphisms
// got lost.
// I haven't made sure if this is due to value restriction.
let erased : 'repr Sym -> repr Sym = fun orig ->
    let zero = orig.zero :> repr
    let succ (x: repr) = orig.succ (x :?> _) :> repr
    inst(zero, succ) :> _

let (|Erased|) x = erased x

// workaround for lack of HRT, like this in OCaml:
//    type sym = { e: 'a. (module SYM with repr = 'a) -> 'a }
type sym(f) =
    member it.e<'repr> (Erased sym: 'repr Sym): 'repr =
        invoke f sym

// succ of initial algebra
let succ : sym -> sym = fun i ->
    let f : repr Sym -> repr =  fun (Erased impl) -> impl.succ <| i.e impl
    sym f

// zero of initial algebra
let zero : sym =
    let f : repr Sym -> repr = fun (Erased impl) -> impl.zero
    sym f

// implementation 1
type nat = Nat with
    interface int Sym with
        member cls.zero = 0
        member cls.succ i = i + 1

// implementation 2
type show = Show with
    interface string Sym with
        member cls.zero = "0"
        member cls.succ i = sprintf "%s + 1" i

// things are totally type safe.
module Say =
    let hello name =
        let a = zero
        printfn "zero by nat: %d" <| a.e Nat
        let h = succ a
        printfn "succ zero by show: %s" <| h.e Show
        printfn "succ zero by show: %d" <| h.e Nat


zero by nat:
succ zero by show:
0 + 1
succ zero by show: